Pre-Symposium Workshops
Pre-Symposium Workshops (for symposium delegates)
‘Introduction to the ‘rgee’ package in R’
Learn how to retrieve and manipulate satellite images using the Google Earth Engine in R, and study vegetation change at large scale!
When and where
Sunday, 3 September 2023, Opal Cove Resort, Coffs Harbour
In this 1-day workshop (8.30 am–4.30 pm), you will learn how to retrieve and manipulate satellite images using the ‘rgee’ package in R. Rgee allows you to exploit the Google Earth Engine server to visualise vegetation change at large scale through calculation of vegetation indices and image classification.
The cost of the workshop is AU$150, and you will need to bring your PC with R and RStudio installed. Morning and afternoon tea and lunch provided.
Hurry, because places are limited!
Workshop program
- Brief introduction on remote sensing
- Data retrieval and manipulation
- Vegetation indexes
- Image classification
Elisa Thouverai, PhD candidate, BIOME Lab, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy
2023 Advancing NatureServe’s International Vegetation Classification in collaboration with the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology
Date: Sunday 3rd September
Time: 9.00am – 3.00pm
Cost: Free to attend (food and beverages at own cost)
Description: The workshop will introduce attendees to the current structure of NatureServe’s International Vegetation Classification (IVC) and the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology (GET) and propose an update to the IVC to better reflect the terrestrial ecosystem perspective of GET. An IVC Formations Work Group, which includes members of the GET team, have been working the past 10 months to revise the formation levels of the IVC. We will present the proposed revisions and suggest a high level of convergence that will allow IVC users to place mid-level terrestrial units of the IVC in global ecosystem perspective and provide GET users with mid-scale units not currently available in GET. Detailed examples will be provided from the U.S., Europe (including organizing Braun-Blanquet classes in both IVC and GET), South America, and Australia. Applications for global mapping and conducting conservation assessments, such as for Key Biodiversity Areas, will be presented. The workshop is open, but space may be limited. Those interested in global - continental vegetation patterns, vegetation mapping, conservation and ecological vegetation research (including plant functional types) are encouraged to register.
If you are attending the symposium, please register for the forum via the IAVS 2023 Delegate Registration Form.
If you have already registered for the symposium and would like to also attend this international classification forum, please email
If you will be attending the forum, but not the IAVS Symposium, please use the workshop only registration form found here: 2023 International Ecosystem Classification Workshop Only.
Pre-symposium Workshop (open to all, not limited to symposium attendees. Numbers are limited)
2023 Eucalyptus Dieback Research Forum
Date: Sunday 3rd September
Time: 9.00am – 3.30pm
Host: NSW Natural Resources Commission
Cost: Free to attend
Description: The NSW Natural Resources Commission is co-ordinating a free pre symposium research forum on Sunday 3 September. The 2023 Eucalyptus Dieback research forum forms part of a NSW Environmental Trust research program focused on untangling the causes of Eucalyptus dieback. Eucalyptus dieback is a complex phenomenon. The collaborative research program has been designed with researchers in different fields working together to better understand primary causes and propose interventions that land managers can adopt. The forum will include presentations from grant recipients and will provide opportunities for questions and answers. Presenters include, The Australian National University, University of New England, Western Sydney University, Macquarie University, and the CSIRO. The research forum is open, but spaces are limited. Land managers, environmental group representatives, agency staff and researchers are encouraged to register.
If you are attending the symposium, please register for the forum via the IAVS 2023 Delegate Registration Form.
If you have already registered for the symposium and would like to also attend the research forum, please email
If you will be attending the forum, but not the IAVS Symposium, please use the workshop only registration form found here: 2023 Eucalyptus Dieback Research Forum Only